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6 Tips to Increase Website Effectiveness

6 Tips to Increase Website Effectiveness

September 27, 2011

Business websites have a small sliver of time to engage their potential customers. Users will make a decision about your business by the look of your home page alone. Below are six tips to increase your businesses website effectiveness.

Display an attractive & cohesive user experience: Ensure your website color scheme and design matches with your other corporate identity materials such as logo, letterhead, brochure and business cards.

Have a clear call-to-action: Ensure that it is clear to the user what they should do after coming to your website. Examples include clicking on a contact us link, adding a product to cart, downloading product information or filing out a web form.

Employ the use of a content management system (CMS): Using a content management system will allow you to make edits and content additions on your schedule as opposed to your web developer. In addition, you will not have to pay for these edits.

Ensure up-to-date content: An important factor for good organic search engine rankings is to perform regular content updates to your website. Potential website customers also want to be able to view current and relevant information.

Implement an easy navigation scheme: Make sure your website has an easy-to-use website navigation structure. Consistent buttons and colors go a long way toward this aim.

Mobile device compatibility: Statistics show the rapid use of mobile devices to view web content. Make sure your website has a mobile version that allows these users to view your content without having to pinch to zoom. Also test all of your web forms on mobile platforms to ensure that they work. Adding a mobile version of your website can be done quickly, cost effectively and the benefits are many.

If you would like to speak to Net-Craft.com about our enhancing your search engine visibility through organic search engine optimization, please contact us today.