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Leveraging Social Media For Business Success

Leveraging Social Media For Business Success

Social media has increasingly become a viable, easy, and intelligent platform to engage potential and existing consumers for establishing brand identity, marketing, or managing customer relations. With new services and trends emerging daily, managing your social media presence can appear daunting. Here are a few simple steps to help you begin enjoying the benefits of social media immediately.

Start and Maintain an Account on the Major Social Networks

Establish an account on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so you can be easily discovered. Be sure to check these accounts frequently and consider hiring a dedicated social media specialist as your business expands. Be mindful of emerging social media trends and stay with your consumers.

Practice Intelligent Posting

Before you post something to your page, make sure you’ve crafted a message that will bring value to your audience. Social media makes promoting services and products simple, but go further to make sure your consumers will care. Craft a message to show consumers how your products can bring them value, solve their problems, or reduce their “pain.” Your message should help consumers see why your business can help make their life easier and therefore drive their desire to work with you.

Mind Your Consistency

Find the correct posting frequency for your needs. Post when you have something to say, but avoid excessive or valueless posting. Over posting can not only annoy your audience, but it may also cause them to ignore your posts and miss information they’ll actually want to see.

Engage Your Audience

Use your account as an opportunity to interact with your customers. Ask a question or post an informal “survey” to generate conversation. Acknowledge compliments by reaching out and thanking your fans for their support. If someone voices a question or concern to you, address it! If a customer has a major complaint, acknowledge it on the page and then address it privately to avoid negative press. These simple interactions go a long way towards solving problems and proving to your customers that you value their needs and their business.

Change Your Message

Now that you have multiple accounts, make sure you’re not posting the same exact message to every single one. Consumers may follow you on several services, so avoid boring them with redundancy. Sharing the same information is alright, but make sure that you change your delivery or presentation. Remember, different users are attracted to different platforms so tailor your message to the audience and the platform accordingly.
Run a Promotion or Contest

You don’t have to break your bank to inspire followers to join a contest or promotion. Offer a reasonable prize and use your creativity to help your consumers have fun. Consider having your fans answer trivia questions or offer the prize to the first poster who correctly guesses the score of the next major sporting event. Help establish brand identity by challenging your customers to post their own commercials or photos related to your product. The more people enjoy visiting your page, the more they’ll identify with your brand and visit again in the future.

Use Analytical Tools

Use simple analytical tools to keep track of your customer demographic and desires. Facebook has its own tool “Facebook Insights” which keeps track of simple trends on posts, such as number of responses, views, or interactions with a post. Utilize information to identify your most popular posts, products, services, and promotions and let it serve as a spring board for future ideas.