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3 Tips to Create Extraordinary Banner Ads

3 Tips to Create Extraordinary Banner Ads

September 13, 2012

Can a great banner ad result in a flood of new leads and sales? According to a study conducted by Nielson, it could have a profound impact on your advertising success. 56% of customers are more likely to click on a banner ad to learn more if the ad is engaging, interesting, and entertaining. ComScore also advises businesses to look at more than just the initial click through rate when evaluating banner ads, citing that website traffic may increase for 4 weeks or more after the ad has run.
People who see banner ads are also more likely to search for the company’s products and services on Google, perform research on those products, and even to purchase them online.

With these facts in mind, it may be a good idea to redesign your banner ads so that you can yield the maximum return from your investment.

Tip #1: Create Informative Ads. Avoid Typical Selling Practices
While many people think of a banner ad as a place to get the word out about their product or service, this is an invaluable opportunity to inform and interest potential customers. Instead of using standard copy, make sure to add something compelling that your readers want to know about so that you can gain their attention and encourage more clicks.

Tip #2: Choose the Right Location for Your Ad to be Displayed

Choosing the best place to run your ad can be tricky, but make sure that you choose an environment that is ideal for your product or service. For example, boating equipment would do best on a boating website or a website dedicating to chronicling sailing adventures. The same product would not do as well on a fashion website, so it is important to ensure that your message reaches the people that will respond best to it.

Tip #3: Maximize Exposure
Once your banner ad is ready to launch, consider the frequency of posting, placement on the page, time of day that the ad will be posted, etc. While it may cost more money to get top placement on a popular blog or website, the returns from that investment may be well worth it in the end. Likewise, it may be better to stick with an ad that is placed lower on the page but will be viewed more frequently at a specific time of day. Certain websites may allow you to take over the site with your ad, and that is the ideal option for maximum exposure although it is generally more costly.
By using these tips and creating entertaining and engaging banner ads, you can captivate your audience, have a better impact, and generate the highest possible ROI on your digital ads.
If you would like to learn more about creating a banner advertising campaign, please contact Net-Craft.com today.