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10 Do’s and Don’ts for Writing Good Product Descriptions

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Writing Good Product Descriptions

April 23, 2013
  • Do not simply repeat what the manufacturer is saying about the product. Usually websites make this mistake and end up incurring penalties for duplicate content.
  • Keep the psyche of your target audience in mind while writing the description. If you are selling products for newborns and babies, try to figure out what a new parent might want. Also, know that selling some products may be more difficult compared to others, especially the ones with higher prices.
  • Keep in mind that the style of writing has to be different for different products. Selling sports goods will require a very different style from that of a washing machine.
  • Use appropriate keywords to boost your SEO campaign and consider that the visitors will search for the brand, model name or function of the product.
  • Do not resort to keyword stuffing because it will make the content hard to comprehend and will definitely put off the readers.
  • Try to call the readers to action with appropriate phrases like ‘just three days left’, ‘find out more…’, ‘call now to place order’, ‘buy now to avoid disappointment’ etc. These are some phrases which will motivate a reader to act immediately and place the order, which in turn will increase your conversion rate.
  • No one wants to spend a large sum of money on a family holiday to an exotic location when they can spend the day at the beach. At the same time, people usually don’t think of replacing an item that is working fine. You have to tell them exactly why they need to do these things in order to get them to buy your products.
  • Stating facts is not sufficient while describing a product. You have to appeal to the emotional side of the customer in order to really convince them. For instance, if you are selling furniture, you can mention that it is easy to clean and hence convenient for a working family.
  • Sometimes you may need to mention dimensions and time taken for the product to work. For an example, instead of saying that the product measures 5 inches and weighs 8 oz,, you could say that it is lighter and smaller than most chocolate bars. When mentioning about the time, you could say that it takes less time than making a cup of coffee. Such inferences will help the reader to make associations faster.
  • Always try to incorporate links to other information or products that are relevant.

If you follow these simple tips to write product description on your e-commerce website, you will be able to create a successful ecommerce website.
If you would like to discuss the product description text on your eCommerce web site, please contact Net-Craft, an experienced eCommerce developer located in Scottsdale, Arizona.