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Top Three Tips to Help You Establish a Business Facebook Page

Top Three Tips to Help You Establish a Business Facebook Page

Establishing a presence on social media can be intimidating, but it can also be entertaining and fun! Even if you are not experienced with social media, you can quickly set up a business Facebook page and begin promoting it so that you can reach your audience and provide a forum to communicate directly with them at any time. Before you begin building your social audience, utilize the following tips as you open your business Facebook page.

#1. Create a Custom URL for Your Business

After following the initial steps to set up your business Facebook page, make sure to customize the URL so that it will be easy to remember and will reflect either your business name or a relevant keyword. A custom URL can also assist with other areas of your marketing, particularly with helping your page become search friendly on Google and even Facebook.

To create a custom URL, go to “Page Settings,” then click on “Edit Page.” Next, select “Update Public Info.” In the left sidebar, select “Basic Information,” then find the section that says “Username.” Under that section there should be a link that says “Change Username.” Click that link. Next, enter the URL that you desire for your page and check the availability of that URL. If the name that you want is available, select “Confirm,” and you’re finished! If it is not available, select another URL and try again until you find one that suits your business and is not already taken.

#2. Choose Branded Images Carefully

When building your page, select the images that you will use for your profile picture and your cover photo carefully. Use branded images that are memorable and intriguing. It is particularly important to use an appealing cover image, as this space allows you to communicate your most important marketing message to your customers. You can combine text and imagery if that helps to better communicate your message, but many brands simply choose an image that captures the essence of what they offer to entice social users to explore their page further.

#3. Promote Your Page through Offline and Online Marketing Channels

As you begin to promote your Facebook page, utilize all marketing channels that you can to draw people to your page. Feature a link to your page prominently on your website, in emails, on print advertisements, in TV ads, on the radio, or anywhere else that you think your target audience may run across your business. Make sure to also ask your existing customers to join you on your Facebook page so that you can establish your base of fans with some of your loyal, satisfied customers.