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Why SEO and Organic PPC Work Best Together

Why SEO and Organic PPC Work Best Together

In August, Google quietly added a Paid and Organic Report feature to AdWords demonstrating that Google has finally realized the benefits and importance of a relationship between paid search (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Investing in and integrating both PPC and SEO in your marketing campaign can greatly increase your website traffic, online visibility, and conversion rates. PPC focuses more on users that are in the final stage of the buying process, while SEO campaigns typically target introducing the user to your product or service and are garnered during the information collecting stage.

SEO and PPC Together Provide a Better Return on Investment

An organic search campaign aims to lay the groundwork and establish a relationship with a potential customer, while PPC reinforces the message and in turn, allows you to target a variety of new keywords relevant to your industry. The two complement each other by expanding your keyword opportunities and offering a variety of ways users can be directed to your website. PPC can be used as a tool for your SEO marketing and vice versa; insights from both can greatly improve your understanding of which keywords work best for your company. PPC reports can target a single keyword and provide you with your return on investment and the conversion value of that keyword, while SEO will report that keyword’s traffic. When SEO and PPC work together, you can more effectively choose keywords that increase traffic and revenue.

If you would like to review your current internet marketing strategy including PPC and organic SEO, please contact Net-Craft.com today for a free consultation.