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4 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Branded Apps

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Branded Apps

November 19, 2013

The smartphone has morphed into the Internet surfing and shopping tool of choice for many people, which has facilitated apps becoming more useful for business than ever before. Not only does a well-appointed app help businesses stay a step ahead of the competition, it also gives them the ability to tap into their customers’ smartphones to deliver messages or connect on another medium. With that in mind, here are a few things that businesses should avoid when creating their own branded app.

1. Creating an App that Serves No Purpose Other than to Imitate the Website

People will want to download your app if it provides a unique experience that can’t be garnered from just looking at your website.

  • Apps should focus on what is truly important to the company and the customer.
  • Your app should be visually appealing and results driven.
  • Create links with simple calls to action like, “Add to cart,” “Buy now,” “Share with friends.”
  • Get feedback on what consumers would like on the app vs. what they see on your website.

2. Developing an App Because Everyone Else has One

Again, your app needs to serve a distinct purpose, and this purpose should drive the design and development process from start to finish.

  • You need to have a clear idea of how your app is going to make your company money.
  • Download the apps of your competitors and see what kind of features they offer and compare them to the features you want to offer.
  • Consult with other professional colleagues and see how having an app has or has not benefited them.

3. Not Marketing Your App

It’s great that you have a new, innovative app for people to use, but you have to let them know they can use it!

  • Make sure your app development is integrated with your social media.
  • Market your app every step of the way. This is easy if you already have fans of your website or social media sites. Keep them in the loop and get them excited about the app. Tell them to get others excited too!
  • Offer incentives for initial users, such as downloadable coupons that can only be accessed via the app.
  • Don’t add all the features you want on your app in the beginning. Add features along the way so you can create even further interest by posting about new developments.

4. Your App is Too Confusing

Your app should extend your already established brand in a meaningful way to consumers.

  • Make sure that every part of your app is merely extending your brand, not creating an entirely new one. Use the same company slogans and logos that you already use as part of your ongoing marketing campaigns.
  • See if the least tech-savvy person you know can navigate through your app easily and take note of the problems they do have (if any).

If you would like to speak to one of our mobile app experts about iPhone or Android app development, please contact Net-Craft.com today for a free consultation.