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A Few Reasons Why Your eCommerce Customers are Not Converting

A Few Reasons Why Your eCommerce Customers are Not Converting

February 24, 2014

There are several strategies that E-Commerce businesses must take into consideration in order to provide an optimal online experience for their consumers. Meeting the needs of a customer is of upmost importance. By optimizing your eCommerce store with an easy to understand checkout process, offering detailed information on products details, showing comparable and competitive pricing, and providing easy to manage and quick-loading pages will ensure smooth sales for both your business and customers.

Is Your Checkout Process Complicated?

Offering a one-page checkout process or breaking the checkout process into easy to understand steps will better accommodate your buyers. Grouping checkout items helps to simplify the buying process and in turn prevents overwhelming your buyers. Having a confusing or lengthy checkout process allows the buyer time to change their mind or to get lost in the process and second guess their urge to buy from you.

Is Your Site Running Slow?

If your site is running slower than the customer expects, this can slow down the checkout process and cause your customers to abandon their cart in search of a faster, more efficient buying process. Online shopping is seen as a convenience compared to fighting mall traffic and standing in line. Customers may decide to explore a competitor’s website if they have to spend too much time waiting for your site to load. If your site is running slowly, try using a hosting provider such as Tenzing or Magento for top-notch optimization.

Are You Offering Competitive Pricing?

Not offering competitive prices can result in a lot of missed opportunities and lost sales, especially since it is relatively easy to price shop online compared to in-store comparison shopping. Profitero and WisePricer are helpful ways to monitor your competitor’s rates and keep your prices comparable.

Are You Providing Enough Information?

Analyze customer behavior to find where you need to build more on your site to offer better information to prevent the customer from buying elsewhere. FAQ pages are beneficial to customers in search of additional information. In your FAQ section, you can include common questions such as: return and exchange instructions, gift-wrapping options, and even shipping rate information.

Do You Show Lack Of Social Proof?

Online reviews can boost revenue and instill trust in your customers that they are buying from a reputable company with quality products and excellent customer service. This also makes it possible to gain more exposure as people post positive reviews of your product and share with their friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, etc. You may get a review from a customer who absolutely fell in love with your product that will then go on to boast about other products and your exemplary customer service. You can also offer a star rating per review for viewers who don’t care to leave any written feedback. With a high peer rating on your products, new customers will be able to build confidence in your store and feel safe purchasing from you.

If you’d like to learn more about our eCommerce development services, please contact Net-Craft.com today!