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3 Characteristics Effective Email Marketers Share

3 Characteristics Effective Email Marketers Share

April 22, 2014

Email marketing is a low key, notable way to stay in touch with your contacts in an effective and organized fashion. Email has surpassed phone calls as the most popular and accessible form of communication. Convenience is key, and consumers prefers the convenience of email given its non invasive nature. Email marketing does have a few minor setbacks due to heightened privacy protectors from spammers which can result in reduced deliverability unless your email list is carefully cultivated and maintained. With these 3 helpful tips, your company can easily overcome and trouble shoot these obstacles.

Spring Clean Your Database

Over time, businesses have the potential to develop an extensive contact list. Whether these contacts have been gained from marketing campaigns or visits through your website; information can become cluttered and outdated. Try to eliminate any rejected email addresses, contacts that have flagged themselves for removal from your site and contacts who have a frequent out of the office response.

Optimal Contact Organization

Dividing and organizing your contacts will help you keep track of and take better care of the individual needs of each group of people. Generic email blasting will most likely grasp the attention of one group of people with a diverse taste and not have powerful feedback. By separating your contacts into groups you will hold a better hand at significant response.

Simplicity is Key

Having a simple, yet catchy subject line will grab the attention of your subscribers and keep them interested. Condense the subject line so that you can introduce the most important take away point of your email in 3-5 words. Limited time offers are a great, catchy way to snag your subscribers’ attention. While keeping the subject line short and to the point, keep your marketing ad and promotions minimal as well.

If you would like to speak to us about developing custom email newsletter templates and/or beginning an eNewsletter campaign please contact Net-Craft for a free consultation.