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5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Social Media Account

5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Social Media Account

April 22, 2014

Social media is the king of connectivity — an ever-intertwining web of conversation,relationships, community and growth. Social media gets you closer to your consumers, literally in the palm of their hands. If you are looking for new ways to get connected with your customers, follow these 5 simple steps to improve your social performance.

#Hashtag, You’re It!

Influential participation is a fun and effective way to grow your social influence and popularity. Deck out your social media content with catchy hashtags that are both relevant to your business or product and also relevant to the common interests of your consumers. Incorporating photographs, hashtags, links and even contests can help facilitate more interaction, engagement, connections, and social influence.

Be Personable

The amount of fans or followers you have is a reflection of how many people “like” your brand. After a while, your brand just becomes a logo that slips across their news feed as they scroll through. Be involved; engage your fans as your family instead and show them the essence of your organization and that you are hard at work to bring the best to them.

Relate To Your Consumer

A great way to connect deeper with your social media fans are to be on their level. Relating with human emotion can result in a positive trigger. For example, most people are not fans of «Mondays». Help them get through their case of the «Mondays» with your product and your words. Give your customers something great to look forward to when they visit your social pages.

Encourage Familiarity

Zone in on shared experiences and locality with your viewers now and then. Participate in “Throwback Thursday” and be their social media friend with posts that say, “Hey, look at this!”

Be a Hipster

Communicate with your consumers through current events and ask their opinion. Inquiring about their viewpoints and being interactive will help you grow a loyal fan base. Opening up with your fans promotes your business, engages your customers and shows that your brand is personable and relatable.

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