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Eliminate Thin and Duplicate Content for Better Search Rankings

Eliminate Thin and Duplicate Content for Better Search Rankings

June 18, 2014

The eCommerce industry is very competitive in nature, and in order to achieve topnotch search rankings, you must produce a variety of content that is helpful and engaging to users while being carefully tactical. Below are four great techniques to help you locate internal issues along with solutions to better position your eCommerce business to move up in the rankings.

Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can come in many forms. First, operating a website that lists the same page multiple times with minimal word alterations may seem to initially result in higher rankings, but in turn will be frowned upon by Google resulting in penalization. Though the topic may be relatively similar and may target select keywords to boost rankings, all content pieces need to be completely unique for the highest SEO impact.

Affiliate programs are another type of potentially duplicate content to carefully monitor. An affiliate program itself isn’t a red flag; it’s what can come with them that counts. Having an affiliate program opens up the doors for duplication as they are often paired with website templates that house very similar if not identical content.

A solution for prevention would be to use a program called Copyscape. Copyscape allows you to enter in your website’s URL so that you can look for exact matches at minimal cost. To disguise duplicate content until you are ready and able to re-write it, set the descriptions to no-index. This will prevent Google from indexing those pages which in turn will eliminate penalizations on those pages.

Thin Content

Thin content, though not as destructive as duplicate content, can lower your rankings. When your page doesn’t offer unique and informative content or doesn’t offer true insight, then the content is not as valuable in the eyes of your customers or Google. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and build your content around how it will be most helpful to the person reading it while also providing important information, tips or techniques. To avoid producing thin content, you may want to consider using a program like Screaming Frog to help you identify issues. Screaming Frog is a free tool, easy to download, and it is used to diagnose several issues on your site, thin content included.

Duplicated Page Title Tags

The use of duplicate page titles happens more often than not. Even large sites with several hundreds if not thousands of product pages deal with duplicated page titles. Try avoiding using templates when creating your titles. You can also use Screaming Frog as a solution to locate titles that appear more than once on the site. While you can remove duplicate page titles manually, it will take more time and attention to detail.

Finding Top Notch Content Writers to Create Unique, Compelling Copy for Your Website

In addition to the above techniques, hiring an expert copywriter to assist with content development on your website can have tremendous impact on your search rankings. These writers will be able to design a content strategy around your business, your brand and your keywords to help you populate your website with the type of content that Google values the most. This will not only help your business develop content that is engaging and impactful, it will also send positive signals to Google.

Many solutions and strategies exist to help you avoid thin and duplicate content. Using helpful tools such as Copyscape, Screaming Frog, and expert SEO content writers allows you to improve your site while providing a better experience for the user. By committing to providing unique and informative website copy, you are already one step closer to achieving your goal of better rankings.

Please contact Net-Craft.com to discuss starting or improving your organic SEO strategy.