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3 Mistakes that Could Impact Your Business Website’s Potential

3 Mistakes that Could Impact Your Business Website’s Potential

Having a website for your business is a valuable tool and asset. However, there are a few mistakes you could be making that could cost you in the long run. Keep your website in healthy working order by adopting these best practices so that you can ensure your website is helping your business, not hurting it.

Mistake 1: Your Website is Not Response

People surf the web from everywhere these days, and they use a variety of devices to do it: desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and of course, mobile phones. These days, people rely on their smartphones to answer their questions, to help them locate businesses, and to find information on virtually any topic. If you aren’t currently offering a mobile friendly site, this could be a great investment for your company.

Mistake 2: Your Website Lacks Information

People have questions, and you should do your best to offer as many answers as possible. Try creating a FAQ section of your website. FAQ sections are a great place to answer the most common questions your customers have about your business. Having a FAQ page can eliminate a lot of hesitations and uncertainty from customers. On your Contact Us page, be sure to list a link to Google Maps so the customer can plug in their current location and get instant directions straight to you if you happen to have a brick-and-mortar location.

Mistake 3: Your Website Doesn’t Feature Fresh Content

Are you continually updating your content? If not, you should look into creating an editorial calendar and posting content on a more regular basis. The search engines are always looking for pages providing the latest, most recently updated content to offer to users. If you are allowing your website content to sit and collect dust, you are setting yourself up for disaster. Consider adding a blog. Posts do not generally have to be lengthy, but slightly dense content that is chock full of interesting information and provides value to your site visitors is appreciated. The search engines will pick up that you are adding fresh, insightful content at a frequent pace and will index those pages in the search engines.

Are you ready to have a free consultation to discuss your company’s web site? Please contact us today!