How to Review Your App Quickly and Efficiently in Less Than Ten Minutes a Day
Being too busy can put a kink in the time you would normally contribute to the analysis of your app metrics. There are several ways to speed up the process and review your app quickly and efficiently. With these tips, you’ll have your app reviewed in less than ten minutes a day.
1. List Your Top 5 Daily Metrics
It’s easy to get lost in your app analytics data, so sort out which elements are of high priority need daily monitoring. Choose your top five metrics that matter most to you. Once you have your list, you now have the capability to track your progress without losing track of time or become overwhelmed.
2. Customize Your Dashboards
Stop wasting your time jumping from screen to screen in your app analytics. Instead, save the custom reports you use the most to your dashboard. Having the most frequented app analytic reports available will help you save time and remain distraction-free.
3. Reports: Save, Email and Share
Occasionally you may yourself too busy to log-in and evaluate your daily stats. Setup daily updates to your email from your app analytics tool to receive the most important data straight to your inbox. Setting up daily updates through your analytics tool allows you to spot problems or changes without logging in. Also, you can easily forward changes which need more attention to your colleagues and team members. Email updates are an easy way to keep track of your campaign’s progress and collaborate more efficiently.
These three tips will save you time and energy and provide you with the most pertinent mobile app statistic information your need to manage your campaigns.
If you would like to learn more about our app development services, please contact Net-Craft.com today.