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Increase Organic Traffic with a Blog

Increase Organic Traffic with a Blog

November 15, 2021

Regardless of what kind of business you have, getting more visitors to your website will always be a good thing.

More website visitors means more people looking at what your business has to offer which leads to more customers! But how do you get more web visitors?

You can purchase traffic with lots of paid ads but that will be a high, ongoing expense. Building organic traffic is a much more sustainable option and one of the best ways to do that is with a blog. Here are the steps on how to use a blog to increase organic targeted website traffic to your website.

Step 1- Identify Your Target Audience

As appealing as it might sound to try to include everyone in your target audience, it’s simply not practical. Instead, you should get to know your customers and likely potential customers. Who are they and what do they want? From there, you can get an idea of your target audience which is important to keep in mind in all following steps.

Step 2- Identify Your Keywords

A successful blog will get your site organic visitors through search engine results. For your site to rank high enough in the results to be seen by potential customers, you need to identify specific, tailored keywords for your business.

Say, for example, you run a landscaping business. Ranking for a very general keyword like “plants” is highly unlikely. You have a much better chance of ranking for more specific keywords your customers might be searching for such as “landscaping service near me.”

Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner to find long-tail keyword phrases from one or two seed keywords.

Step 3- Optimize Posts with those Keywords

Once you have a list of keywords for your content, the next step is to start incorporating them into valuable content your target audience might find useful. Specifically, you should try to fit the keyword or keyword phrase in the URL, the meta description, the title and subheadings, and in the body content of the article wherever possible.

Step 4- Incorporate Links

Links are an important and underutilized part of building an effective blog. If you can, while you write new articles, incorporate links to other posts on your website that your readers might find useful. Not only are you helping your readers find additional information, but you also keep these visitors on your site longer.

Your blog will also benefit from backlinks which are links from other sites to your pages. The best way to get backlinks is to publish reliable, quality content.

Step 5- Keep Publishing

As helpful as it would be to simply start a blog today and optimize some initial content, the more effective strategy is to keep publishing posts consistently. Update daily or at least weekly, if possible.

Need Help?

Building an effective blog is no easy feat. If you need help with your blog or increasing traffic to your site, turn to Net-Craft. We can help with all of your internet marketing needs so don’t hesitate to reach out today!