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iOS vs. Android App Development: Choosing the Right Platform

iOS vs. Android App Development: Choosing the Right Platform

December 29, 2023

If you are planning to create a mobile app for your business, one of the first decisions you need to make is which platform to target: iOS or Android. Both platforms have their own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one can make a big difference in the success of your app. In this article, we will compare iOS and Android app development in terms of market share, user demographics, development tools, costs, and monetization strategies. We will also give you some tips on how to choose the best platform for your app based on your goals and target audience.

Market Share

According to StatCounter, as of November 2023, Android has a global market share of 72.5%, while iOS has 26.4%. However, these numbers vary significantly depending on the region. For example, in North America, iOS has a higher market share than Android (54.7% vs. 44.1%), while in Asia, Android dominates with 80.9% vs. 18.1%. Therefore, depending on where you want to launch your app, you may want to consider the popularity of each platform in that market.

User Demographics

Another factor to consider is the user demographics of each platform. Generally speaking, iOS users tend to have higher income, education, and engagement levels than Android users. They also tend to spend more money on apps and in-app purchases. According to Sensor Tower, in the first half of 2023, iOS users spent $41.5 billion on apps and in-app purchases, while Android users spent $23.4 billion. However, Android users tend to be more diverse and widespread, especially in emerging markets. They also tend to prefer free or ad-supported apps over paid ones. Therefore, depending on your target audience and monetization strategy, you may want to choose the platform that matches your user profile.

Development Tools

Both iOS and Android app development require different tools and languages. For iOS app development, you need to use Xcode, which is an integrated development environment (IDE) provided by Apple. You also need to use Swift or Objective-C, which are the programming languages supported by Apple. For Android app development, you need to use Android Studio, which is an IDE provided by Google. You also need to use Java or Kotlin, which are the programming languages supported by Google. Both Xcode and Android Studio are free to download and use, but you need to have a Mac computer to run Xcode, while Android Studio can run on Windows, Mac, or Linux.


The costs of developing an app for iOS or Android depend on various factors, such as the complexity, features, design, and testing of the app. However, some general estimates can be made based on the average hourly rates of developers. According to Clutch, the average hourly rate of an iOS developer in the US is $150, while the average hourly rate of an Android developer is $168. Therefore, Android app development may be slightly more expensive than iOS app development. However, this does not include the costs of publishing and maintaining the app on each platform. To publish an app on the App Store, you need to pay an annual fee of $99 to Apple, while to publish an app on the Google Play Store, you need to pay a one-time fee of $25 to Google. Additionally, you may need to update your app more frequently on Android due to the fragmentation and diversity of devices and operating systems, which may increase your maintenance costs.

Monetization Strategies

The monetization strategies of your app may also influence your choice of platform. As mentioned earlier, iOS users tend to spend more money on apps and in-app purchases than Android users, so if you want to charge for your app or offer premium features, you may have a better chance of generating revenue on iOS. However, Android users tend to prefer free or ad-supported apps, so if you want to rely on advertising or sponsorship, you may have a larger and more diverse audience on Android. Additionally, you may want to consider the commission rates of each platform. Apple and Google both take a 30% cut of the revenue generated by apps and in-app purchases on their platforms, but Google recently announced that it will reduce its commission to 15% for the first $1 million of revenue per year, starting from July 2023. This may make Android app development more attractive for small and medium-sized developers.

Tips for Choosing the Right Platform

As you can see, there is no definitive answer to which platform is better for app development. It depends on your specific goals, target audience, budget, and preferences. However, here are some tips that may help you make a more informed decision:

– Do some market research and understand the needs and preferences of your potential users. What problem are you trying to solve for them? What features and functionalities are they looking for? What platforms are they using and why?

– Define your value proposition and competitive advantage. What makes your app unique and different from other apps in the same category? How can you stand out from the crowd and attract users to your app?

– Consider your monetization strategy and revenue model. How do you plan to make money from your app? What are the best ways to monetize your app on each platform? How much are you willing to invest in developing and maintaining your app?

– Test your app idea and validate your assumptions. Before you commit to a platform, you may want to create a prototype or a minimum viable product (MVP) of your app and test it with real users. This way, you can get feedback and insights on the usability, functionality, and desirability of your app, and make adjustments accordingly.

– Consult with a professional mobile app development company. If you are not sure which platform to choose, or if you need help with the technical aspects of app development, you may want to hire a professional mobile app development company that can guide you through the process and deliver a high-quality app that meets your expectations and requirements. A good mobile app development company will have the expertise, experience, and resources to help you create a successful app for iOS or Android, or both.

If you are looking for a top mobile app development company in Arizona, you may want to check out Net-Craft.com Web and App Development. Net-Craft.com is a Scottsdale app development company that specializes in creating custom mobile apps for iOS and Android. They have a team of skilled and experienced developers, designers, and project managers who can help you turn your app idea into reality. Whether you need a simple app or a complex app with advanced features, Net-Craft.com can handle it. They also offer web development, digital marketing, and e-commerce solutions to help you grow your online presence and business. Contact them today for a free consultation and quote.