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Creating SEO Landing Pages Built for Conversion

Creating SEO Landing Pages Built for Conversion

Your landing page may seem like it exists to share information, educate visitors, or provide customers with options, but really it only has one purpose: to convert visitors into leads or, even better, paying customers. In order to do this, you need to make certain that your landing page is search engine optimized. Without strong SEO, you won’t be able to drive visitors to your website, which means there are fewer and fewer users to convert. Fortunately, creating landing pages that convert isn’t as difficult as it may seem if you know what elements are necessary.

A Good Headline

Your page’s headline needs to pull in the visitor and make them want to spend more time on your landing page. The longer someone is there, the more likely it is that they will convert. To do this, you need a well-written, concise heading that grabs the reader’s attention. Studies have shown that headlines with numbers (5 useful tips for… 3 reasons why…) tend to work better than those without. Interesting statistics also help because numbers stand out more than letters. Asking a question or showing how your landing page will be of benefit to the reader also helps.

Content Focused on Benefits

If your landing page does nothing but discuss the features of your product, it might not make a major impression on the reader. Instead, include content that shows the benefit of your product or service. What makes your offering unique? Be specific, and include facts and figures where you can. You want the reader to walk away knowing exactly why they need to work with you and not someone else.

A Call-to-Action

Your landing page needs to include a call-to-action or CTA that instructs the reader to do something. “Contact us” or “Click here to…” are common CTAs. Many people put the CTA at the bottom of the page, but that’s actually not the best place. You want to make sure the reader sees it as soon as possible in case they don’t scroll to the bottom of the page. Also make sure it stands out – make it larger than the other text, put it in a different color, or put it in a box.

Test the Page

Finally, never assume that your landing page is working as efficiently as possible. You need to test it, tweak it, and re-test it often. Doing A/B testing, which involves making two pages and, through Google Analytics, determining which is best, is an important step. Also try different content to see which your readers respond to. Track your success (again, Google Analytics works well here) and determine what works and what doesn’t. Even the best landing page out there can be improved upon if you know what’s not working like it should.

If you would like to speak a Net-Craft representative about creating a landing page that converts visitors into buyers, contact-us today for a free estimate from one of our search engine marketing specialists.