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Need Website Support?

Need Website Support?

May 6, 2011

If your company is in need of an update to your existing website Net-Craft offers fixed price and quick support.…

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Internet Marketing Trends for 2011

Internet Marketing Trends for 2011

May 6, 2011

A recent survey of Search Engine Marketing Professionals (SEMPO) has indicated the top two areas they will be focusing on…

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Google Announces New Advertising Options Targeting Tablet Devices

Google Announces New Advertising Options Targeting Tablet Devices

May 6, 2011

Another reason to justify ensuring your web site runs properly on tablet devices such as the Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy…

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The Mobile Web is Important!

The Mobile Web is Important!

April 15, 2011

Simply astounding, the number of users accessing the web with their mobile device will grow past the number accessing it…

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